My Self Help Reading List with links to the free .pdf downloads


Psycho-Cybernetics was a real eye-opener and it continues to be so!  If you are serious about self-improvement and need real strategies and real understanding about how to improve your life, this is a must read.  Maxwell Maltz explores the psychology of self-image in relation to automatic goal setting. You can download a free pdf copy of this fantastic book here5 Stars!


Awaken the Giant Within

Another great title from Tony Robbins.  In this book He explains about how he picked himself up from being poor and overweight and began coaching others for personal develpment.  Also includes his work in Neuro Linguistic Programming.   3 Stars


How to Win Friends and Influence People

This classic by Dale Carnegie is absolutely excellent and a must-read for anyone dealing with the public or in sales.  In this title, Carnegie spells out concret steps to help others help you and how to influence people without creating animosity.  Definitely a classic that you should keep around.  I found myself going back and re-reading the book many times, because it becomes easy to slip into our old way of doing things.  You can download a free pdf copy here4 Stars!

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich Dad Poor Dad is a fantastic book by Robert Kiyosaki highlighting the differences between what the poor teach their children about money and what the wealthy do.  Excellent insight into the basics of cashflow, liabilities and assets.  This book also contains easy to understand strategies for improving your finances.  Another one to always keep on hand!  5 Stars!

Think and Grow Rich

Another classic, this time by personal development master Napoleon Hill.  In Think and Grow Rich, Hill outlines global skills and strategies learned from the most successful people of his time in an easy to understand way.  This book is so good, that you can read it a hundred times and still learn something new every time.  This book deals with goal setting, proper mindsets, and programming your subconscious mind.  You can download the pdf in part 1 and part 2. 5 Stars!

The Little Money Bible

This amazing little book gives a deeper understanding to the laws of money.  Stuart Wilde is hilarious and very down to earth while explaining about laws of attraction and distance.  What I really liked about this book is the metaphysical laws the author describes and discovering how money flows the way it does.  Excellent! 4 Stars! 

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

This interesting self-help guide is dedicated to ways of communicating your desires to your subconscious mind and then, hopefully, having then manifest themselves into your life.  Has many great ways to meditate with specialized affirmations and explanations of why some affirmations work and some don't.  3 Stars


The Way of the Superior Man

In The Way of the Superior Man, the author sets out and describes the skills and understanding you need to be a man in the 21st century.  It's a fascinating book complete with advice about relationships, your life's purpose and how you must never sacrifice your life's purpose, or self-understanding for anyone.  I highly recommend it if you are looking for a better understanding of yourself in these times.  3 Stars

Daily Reflections for Highly Effective People

In Daily Reflections, author Stephen Covey outlines and explains his strategies for conquering adversity and becoming successful.  Filled with some great tips and tricks.  2 Stars